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Kadah company was founded in 1970 whereas, has many different commercial activities such as the industry and production of polyester strings , Halabi laurel soap and olive oil which is prepared to industry of soap

The company goal is to give the true and scientific Definition of the benefits of laurel soap and olive oil, and Supporting the continuous of production of laurel soap and target the largest and biggest classes’ society to use the laurel soap

From this point, the company had opened two factories of laurel soap and olive oil in Afrin and Safita, along with many factories to produce natural and compressed laurel soap in Aleppo, Safita, Tartus, Nizip and Gaziantep, also company exports its products to Europe, Asia and Arabic countries. In addition the antecedence to local market and aspires to expand their export markets to reach all over the world.

The Aleppo laurel industry started in Aleppo about 400 years ago and has been spread in all the Syrian govern orates many Arab countries, European countries and East Asian countries and has been approved for marketing in many shops that depend on the sale of natural products as a factory of olive oil

In laurel soap industry is only used an olive oil and coke material, which is known in the colloquial language, as well as laurel oil, which gives the soap this aroma. Aleppo is famous for this substance and is currently exported to Europe and East Asia

Laurel soap has a high reputation as a natural product with its essential ingredients of nature and olive oil exclusively.

Laurel soap is useful for skin and hair health and can be used on all body.


Aleppo is an important historical and commercial capital. For long time Aleppo is an important commercial and economic center linking the East, the West, the North and the South. Its environmental and strategic characteristics played a key role in the operation of all traditional industries.

Aleppo’s cesareans and their cells have witnessed the most important industrial occupations and handicrafts such as textile, glass, cotton and the ancient laurel industry

Kadah can develop the laurel industry while preserving this old craft by developing it in the form of compressed molds, adding natural perfumes, some herbs, honey, pomegranate oil and many more.

As is known, Syria is famous for its olive trees and Syria ranks fifth in the Arab olive production

Therefore, Aleppo is famous in the manufacture of laurel soap, which is included in its composition, as mentioned above, olive oil, an ancient industry famous for our ancestors, a history of the glories of the Aleppo industries.

Laurel soap can be used to treat dandruff is a greasy fatty substances that benefit people with oily skin is a healthy substance 100%.

Laurel soap is an effective substance for treating oily skin, treating dandruff, treating blackheads and fats in the whole body.

The oil is treated with cystic material until the saponification process takes 6-10 hours.

The oil will be in tanks and a certain size is taken from it depending on the quantity of the cook. The cystic material is dissolved in the water at a certain temperature. The pumps pump the oil over the cystic and are stirred and mixed with special machines. The heating process is done by steam, The oil to the stage of saturation with the cystic then it has begun to sap and notice the change of smell of oil to the smell of soap.

And then the process of punctuation any water withdrawal from the mixture and so until the next day ends this process and becomes the mixture ready to pour and pour.

Many European and Asian countries have resorted to products that contain natural substances such as food products, cotton materials and detergents. Therefore, the fact that laurel soap is made from olive oil is considered a natural material that can protect against many problems and diseases.

After a day of pouring the mixture comes the process of cutting which is a process to form the pieces of soap in a uniform manner and the same size and this process using a simple machine called acacia (acorn), a hand tool used by a long time and is still used to preserve the roots of this craft and handicrafts.

The laurel soap is yellow in color, brownish on the outside and green in the interior, and in Europe it is known as the magic soap.

Anyone accustomed to bathing with laurel soap will not be able to change it with other lotions, especially in the many synthetic materials involved in the formulation of these preparations of pigments and so on, so people started thinking about resorting to natural products.

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